Chamber Academy follow-up on Greentech
– “Last year I learned about Greentech and this year I have implemented it into my home and my business”
Starting up Chamber Academy Greentech step 2 in Arusha Tanzania on September 29th we interviewed Ms. Anna Matinde who was one of the participants in the first workshop during 2013. Anna Matinde is an Executive Committee Member of the East African Women in Business Platform (a CTS partner) and a Chairperson for the Membership Committee of dito. She is also an entrepreneur within agribusiness.
Hi Anna, you were one of our participants in Green tech in Agribusiness last year. What have you been up to since then?
– Last year I saw and learned about the benefits of proper organic waste management.
– Since then I have started up a Biogas plant at my home garden by using the waste which is generated from food remains and vegetable waste, animal waste and manure (poultry). The plant is 8 m3 size and produces methane gas which is converted to usable heat in cooking. The sludge waste expelled from my biogas plant is a very good nutrient for my home garden and my farm away from home.
Would you recommend to others to set-up this kind of biogas plant?
– This kind of waste management is accessible and affordable at family level and can be expanded to a community who shares a common infrastructures.
How would you go about inspiring others?
– I would share the advantage or benefits of this plant that is the low cost of cooking and lighting whereby I am saving of up to 355,000 Tanzania shilling which is equal to $290 on annual energy expenditure for an average house holder by replacing electricity, charcoal.
– I also want to encourage the women who attend this workshop to get ready to learn from CTS facilitators at this Green Tech step II.
Any final words to the other participants?
– I invite all of you to visit me and to see my biogas plant in Dar es Salam. I hope that this will inspire the other members of EAWiBP and AWAN to make the changes in their business and their home for the environment.
Thank you Anna!
The Chamber Academy Greentech step 2 was implemented through the collaboration between East African Women in Business Platform. African Women in Agribusiness Network and Chamber Trade Sweden.
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