Importance of Aid for Trade discussed at the Swedish Parliament

CTS hosted a European meeting on December 9-10 for its European partners in the TRIC network which deals with trade related instruments, specifically promoting trade and exports from developing countries.

The TRIC network consists of key actors in European trade promotion such as CBI of Holland, PSDF, IPD and GIZ of Germany, SIPPO and SECO of Switzerland, Finnpartnership of Finland, Virke of Norway, BTC of Belgium, Chamber Trade Sweden and the International Trade Centre, ITC, the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations.

During a seminar and roundtable discussion at the Swedish parliament on December 9th the key issues and instruments were presented.

The European partners that participated in the conference are aiming at businesses in developing countries to become more competitive in global markets and speeding economic development. The most important instruments for trade promotion to achieve the goal are market intelligence reports; business development and capacity building as well as being a platform for business contacts and trade fairs.

“We have a joint vision for our organisations to work closer to create a “one stop shop” for promoting companies from developing countries to increase their capacity to trade and export. We also believe that there is great potential for European companies to engage more in trade with developing countries through buyers’ missions and participating in peer groups to assist with market intelligence for companies from developing countries. – Finding the buyer, looking at market trends and regulatory requirements are some crucial issues in these market reports”, says Charlotte Kalin of CTS.
