Sweden on the Go – Helping you find International Trusted Expertise

We launched the new version of Sweden on the Go in November. The platform enables companies that are expanding internationally, or who want to invest in Sweden, to search for qualified international expertise and help. Our international experts have been qualified and are openly searchable on the site, and we’ve already started to match companies needing help with the right consultants. We are now welcoming international local consultants based in more complex markets and developing countries to join the Sweden on the Go family. Key supporters behind developing the service have been Tillväxtverket and Vinnova. Check us out on  www.swedenonthego.se .  

One of our key events last year was cooperating with SINF, Sveriges Industriförening, at the Elmia Subcontractors trade fair to launch Sweden on the Go and give business a global outlook. Other key business partners are Teknikföretagen and Företagarna. Photo  – Elmia Subcontractor with Charlotte Kalin, Make Trade and Joakim Norlén, SINF.