Mentorship programmes launched in East Africa

During the last weeks of January African Women in Agribusiness Network (AWAN) launched their mentorship programmes in Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya

Focus for the programmes varies from growth (Kenya), going for export (Uganda) and in Tanzania for women entrepreneurs wanting to take the next step but also focusing on job creation for youths by supporting entrepreneurship (in cooperation with the Dar Es Salam university)

All in all about 30 mentor couples will be working during 2015. The mentors are carefully selected and invited to take part based on their skills in business, management and leadership. The mentees (which are almost all AWAN members) are entering into the mentorship in order to reach the next level in their business and reaching their goals.

Throughout the year news and interviews will be posted via our website so stay tuned!

The mentorship programme is a part of the long-term cooperation between AWAN and CTS and is executed in cooperation with KKiKK. For more information contact